emerging Africa

Disrupt Collaboration! – Africa and Europe in the Digital Age

Earth spins at 1670 km/h. The digital world spins faster, driven by agile teams all across the globe.

18/12/2018, 9-10.30am, Austria Center Vienna

A Side-Event at the 'High-Level Forum Africa-Europe' in Vienna. Digitization and Globalization lead to a big transformation that shapes Africa and Europe at the same time, but differently. Practitioners and experts are calling for new approaches to African-European collaboration allowing to exchange, learn and co-create.
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Good Tech Venture Lounge

Day 3

24/05/2018, 7pm - 9pm, Vienna, Austria (Kanzleramt Bar, Schauflergasse 6)

free, registration required

The event will gather a selected group of international, purpose-driven investors and executives for an evening of inspiration and networking with a particular focus on the economic development and chances for investments in Africa.
Read MoreGood Tech Venture Lounge

Global Innovation Ecosystems

Global Innovation Ecosystems

05/06/2018, 4 - 6pm, Vienna, Austria - Weinplateau Südafrika, Tiefer Graben 7, 1010 Vienna

for free, registration required

To understand our economies and societies we have to understand the different global innovation ecosystems. This event presents "Global Innovation Expert", a unique program allowing you to dive into innovation cultures in Africa, Europe, Asia and the USA. Innovators, companies and researchers present their cases in on-site 2-day seminars in Cape Town, Vienna, San Francisco, Nairobi, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Read MoreGlobal Innovation Ecosystems